Mat development and leadership

Your key governing focus

Written by Leadership and MAT Development Team | Apr 20, 2023 2:41:50 PM
Whilst the impact of the current landscape has affected a whole manner of things, it’s important to remember that the duties of the Governing Body/Trust Board haven’t changed. With that being said, as school leaders continue to face huge pressures, it’s important that Governing Bodies provide effective support – by offering input and advice in measured ways (focussing on key priorities and not adding additional burdens).

Right now, the significance of the governance role should not be overlooked. That level of strategic oversight, which good governance can provide, is crucial to the ongoing success of your school or trust.


Current areas of focus should include:

  • Ensuring updates to risk assessments, safeguarding and child protection policies reflect the move to remote education, the impact of local restrictions (once the national ones are amended) and remain effective.

    Governors should be confident that all staff (including volunteers) are aware of the latest versions.

  • Confidence in the quality and delivery of remote education support for all pupils, but particularly to vulnerable children. Each school should identify a named senior leader with overarching responsibility for remote education – who is this in your school?

    Governors need to ensure they are receiving information and robust data about the delivery plans for quality education and how these are being regularly reviewed.

  • Monitoring and reviewing the financial situation within your school to ensure that priorities are identified and any changes to financial circumstances, which may require budget arrangements to be reviewed or revised, are highlighted.

    Support to the Leadership Team should be given, in terms of enabling them to make requests for changes in spending priorities, whilst ensuring appropriate management and oversight is maintained.

  • Oversight and consideration for the mental health and wellbeing of employees, pupils and their families (where needed) to ensure that support is available, clearly communicated and accessed as soon as possible.
    Governors should consider specific groups of children or staff who may be more vulnerable during these uncertain times. It’s also vital that the health and wellbeing of your Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team are considered, as they deal with the constantly changing demands.

As government guidance continues to develop, Governors will also need to continue to provide support and challenge for their Schools in relation to key areas, including:

  • Roll-out of mass testing in secondary schools and colleges
  • The assessment process for key year groups due to take exams in 2021
  • The eventual move back to face-to-face education once the restrictions allow

By continuing to work in harmony across your school and Governing Body, you should be able to nurture a sense of unity and direction amongst the seemingly chaotic landscape.


If you’re looking for advice about governance and MAT development or would like to learn more about our Readiness to Grow review and relevant training, please talk to us.